#1-2-1 |
Geography, Persons in low income |
2 |
#1-3-1 |
Geography |
1 |
#1-4-1 |
Geography, Sex, Sources of waste for disposal, Proficiency level, Basic services |
5 |
#1-5-1 |
Type of natural disaster |
1 |
#1-5-2 |
Type of natural disaster |
1 |
#1-a-1 |
Poverty reduction aid type |
1 |
#10-1-1 |
Geography, Household income quintile, Household income decile |
3 |
#10-2-1 |
Geography, Persons in low income |
2 |
#10-4-1 |
Geography |
1 |
#10-5-1 |
Indicator |
1 |
#10-b-1 |
Measure |
1 |
#10-c-1 |
Method, Destination region, Amount last sent |
3 |
#11-1-1 |
Geography, Tenure |
2 |
#11-2-1 |
Geography, Gender, Distance-capacity public transit service area, Location, Demographic and socio-economic |
5 |
#11-3-1 |
Geography |
1 |
#11-4-1 |
Geography, Level of government, Type of heritage |
3 |
#11-5-1 |
Type of natural disaster |
1 |
#11-5-2 |
Type of natural disaster |
1 |
#11-6-1 |
Geography, Sources of waste for disposal |
2 |
#11-6-2 |
Geography |
1 |
#11-7-2 |
Sex, Unwanted or inappropriate behaviour |
2 |
#12-7-1 |
Sub-indicators |
1 |
#12-b-1 |
Standard Accounting Tools |
1 |
#13-1-1 |
Type of natural disaster |
1 |
#13-2-2 |
Geography, Source |
2 |
#14-4-1 |
data.Stock group |
1 |
#15-1-2 |
Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) |
1 |
#15-5-1 |
Species group, System |
2 |
#16-1-1 |
Geography, Gender, Indigenous identity |
3 |
#16-1-3 |
Gender, Age, Sexual orientation, First Nations, Métis, or Inuit identity, Visible minority, Person with disability, Immigrant status, Marital status |
8 |
#16-1-4 |
Visible minority, Sociodemographic characteristics |
2 |
#16-10-2 |
Component |
1 |
#16-2-1 |
Geography, Gender, Age, Sexual orientation, Visible minority, Immigrant status, Indigenous identity, Type of childhood maltreatment, Disability status |
9 |
#16-2-3 |
Geography, Gender, Age |
3 |
#16-3-1 |
Type of victimization |
1 |
#16-3-3 |
Resolution mechanism |
1 |
#16-7-2 |
data.Institutions, data.Characteristics, data.Level of confidence |
3 |
#16-b-1 |
Geography, Age group, Gender, Visible minority, Immigrant status, Discrimination indicators, Indigenous identity, Disability, LGBTQ2+, Highest level of education, Main activity, Area |
12 |
#17-1-1 |
Component |
1 |
#17-2-1 |
Official development assistance, Least developed countries |
2 |
#17-6-1 |
Geography, Population centres |
2 |
#17-8-1 |
Geography, Age group |
2 |
#2-1-1 |
2 |
#2-1-2 |
Geography, Age group, Sex, Visible minority, Household food security status, Economic family type, Indigenous population |
7 |
#2-2-3 |
Population group, Severity |
2 |
#2-a-2 |
Measure |
1 |
#2-b-1 |
Product |
1 |
#3-1-2 |
Geography |
1 |
#3-2-1 |
Geography |
1 |
#3-2-2 |
Sex |
1 |
#3-3-1 |
Age |
1 |
#3-3-2 |
Sex |
1 |
#3-3-3 |
Sex |
1 |
#3-3-4 |
Sex |
1 |
#3-3-5 |
Sex |
1 |
#3-4-1 |
Age at time of death, Sex, Causes of death |
3 |
#3-4-2 |
Geography, Sex |
2 |
#3-5-2 |
Geography |
1 |
#3-6-1 |
Sex, Age |
2 |
#3-7-1 |
Marital status |
1 |
#3-7-2 |
Place of residence of mother |
1 |
#3-8-2 |
Population |
1 |
#3-9-2 |
Type of disease |
1 |
#3-a-1 |
Sex, Age Group, Tobacco Product |
3 |
#3-b-1 |
Geography, Gender, Selected diseases, Target population |
4 |
#3-b-2 |
Assistance type |
1 |
#3-c-1 |
Geography, Sex, Type of occupation |
3 |
#4-1-1 |
Sex |
1 |
#4-1-2 |
Geography, Gender, Graduation rate |
3 |
#4-2-2 |
Sex |
1 |
#4-3-1 |
Geography, Age group, Type of institution attended |
3 |
#4-4-1 |
Age group, Level of education, Activity related to digital skills |
3 |
#4-5-1 |
Geography, Educational indicator, Level of education |
3 |
#4-6-1 |
Geography, Age group, Sex, Skill, Proficiency level |
5 |
#5-2-1 |
Type of intimate partner violence, Selected characteristic |
2 |
#5-2-2 |
Geography, Age group, Sexual orientation, Visible minority, Immigrant status, Marital status, Indigenous identity, Disability, Employed in past 12 months, Educational status |
10 |
#5-3-1 |
Geography, Age group, Marital status |
3 |
#5-4-1 |
Geography, Activity group, Age group, Gender |
4 |
#5-5-1 |
Geography, Government, Elected officials |
3 |
#5-5-2 |
Geography, Occupation |
2 |
#5-b-1 |
Geography |
1 |
#6-3-1 |
Source, Wastewater treatment level |
2 |
#6-3-2 |
Geography, Land use category, Water quality category |
3 |
#6-4-1 |
Economic activity |
1 |
#6-4-2 |
Economic activity |
1 |
#6-a-1 |
Sector |
1 |
#7-1-1 |
Area |
1 |
#7-1-2 |
Area |
1 |
#7-2-1 |
Geography, Type of electricity generation |
2 |
#8-1-1 |
Geography |
1 |
#8-2-1 |
Geography |
1 |
#8-5-1 |
Geography, Age group, Sex, Type of work, Occupation |
5 |
#8-5-2 |
Geography, Age group, Sex |
3 |
#8-6-1 |
Geography, Age group, Sex, Status |
4 |
#8-8-1 |
Sex |
1 |
#8-a-1 |
Flow type |
1 |
#9-1-1 |
Geography |
1 |
#9-2-1 |
Geography |
1 |
#9-2-2 |
Geography, Industry |
2 |
#9-3-1 |
Industry, Size |
2 |
#9-3-2 |
Geography, Employment size, Industries, Age of primary decision maker, Ownership demographics |
5 |
#9-5-1 |
Geography |
1 |
#9-a-1 |
Measure |
1 |
#9-b-1 |
Geography |
1 |